
Censorship is a very gray area.Should it be done or not? How much of it should be done? My take is that we shouldn't suppress the creative freedom of others whether good or bad.One can only be shown good things their whole life but they wouldn't be doing that out of choice.What if a bad …


Internet is shifting people from the reality of democracy to the fantasies of authoritarianism.We are getting used to being surrounded by a particular view internally and externally without batting an eye to the alternatives.Change is difficult.Change in mind,body,environment,social network and so on to adapt to a new view.Very exhausting.What we don't realize that this exhaustion …


There's a tradeoff between acknowledging new ideas and sharing new ideas.Both cannot exist without each other.Our democracy wouldn't exist without them.If you can't be tolerant to other people's ideas,you cannot share your idea freely.You don't have to accept everything,just learn to respect everyone's freedom and opinion.Their experience of life has been very different from yours.They …